
“…I will cry to you when my heart is overwhelmed.”Psalm 61:2

Let’s be real for a moment;

I use to sing a song to Pre-K kids that says, “if all the raindrops were lemondrops and gumdrops oh what a rain that would be!”

My rain is, freezing and hailing right now. I am overwhelmed to the core. My heart can’t take much more on literally and figuratively.

This past week I have been in tachardia, I was admitted in the hospital for severe stomach pain, I am so tired…let’s talk tired for a minute….Tired for me is not as simple as taking a nap and feeling rested, ever! I wake up tired. I nap, and I am tired. I do nothing and I am tired. I am exhausted from the inside out. My insides are beating me from the inside out. I am mentally, physically, emotionally, exhausted. I am fighting a war that I may never win. I get small victories…the question now is,” are the small victories going to sustain me?”

I don’t know the answer to that right now. I feel like I am running on Empty.

It’s 4am. I have had a restless night. God can you hear me right Now! I need you! I need to be on higher ground.



4 thoughts on “Overwhelmed.

  1. It’s 4 am and I am reading this. Thank you. Thinking of you. Thank you for your honesty. Im so sorry you were at the hospital praying you get some rest


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